It’s Lighten Up Monday! If you have a daughter who spends a lot more time on her appearance than on cleaning her room, you’ll be able to relate to this video!
[youtube id=”bNI-WjzGy7Q”]
[reminder] Can you relate to this? How do (or did) you handle it when your kids’ rooms were messy? [/reminder]

GOT it! π
I know how you feel ken, if i didn’t know about physics, i would swear there wasn’t a floor in either daughters rooms, the walls and furniture look like they are held up by a horizontal blanket of cloths. I say to them, “clean this up, it’s a mess and spiders will move in” but then i look in the Garage and see the mess in there and i have to stop nagging. I like my garage like this, i know where everything is. There’s a system to it you know… i sound like my daughters :>)
We have 3 kids- now adults- 2 boys, 1 girl, all who had horrible rooms. Their dad only complained about one of them. When our son complained because he was the only one that got hollered at, I said, ‘SHUT YOUR DOOR!’
It’s called…..close the door and don’t dare look! Made for a much more peaceful home life. π
Our youngest daughters room is so messy the Terminex guy will not go in because he can see floor.
Should read he can’t see floor!
I have no idea what you mean, but my lady has been to my
shedβ¦.. she understands what you are saying.
I have two daughters and they tell me it’s the room not them. When the oldest daughter moved out the younger daughter moved into her sisters room and it’s just as messy. My youngest daughter was very organized until she moved into that room.They are good at organizing other peoples rooms but not their own. I thought I was the only one with daughters that are messy. Thank you for sharing.