It’s Lighten Up Monday! If you missed last week’s post, “It’s Not About the Nail,” watch it here. Then I hope you enjoy the similar “discussion” Diane and I had over the question, “Where do you want to eat tonight?” Listen, laugh, lighten up and live!
[youtube id=”TCnx2aeNz_8″]
[reminder]Can you think of other arguments that men and women have?
I would love to possibly add yours to my live show.[/reminder]

My husband and I just watched ‘Fully Alve’ tonight and loved it. Your sense of humour and ability to bring God’s heart into it was brilliant. We were moved by the obvious love you have for your grandchildren. We are grandparents also and could identify completely with that overwhelming love. God bless you as you use your God given talent to touch people’s lives. If you ever come to Australia, we would be first to buy tickets to see you. Jan Claridge, Kangaroo Flat, Victoria, Australia.
One of the most hilarious arguments that my husband and I ever had occurred over the temperature of the bedroom. He was from Florida and I was from New York and although he liked the bedroom cool, as I went through the dreaded changes, I would often switch the air conditioner up to high. He would complain that it was too cold in the bedroom and would get up and turn it down, only to find me getting back up an hour later and turning it up. I told him it was a lot easier for him to get warmer than for me to get cooler. IT seemed there was no making either one of us happy until we were watching some show on t.v and the punch line was “Happy wife, happy life.” So that night after fighting over the temperatures again, I heard him rustling around and assumed he was once again going to lower the air conditioner and I would once again wake up, sweating and then put it up. Instead, I woke up hours later to find the bedroom comfortable for me, but him in his winter coat, hat and gloves under the blanket snoring away. When he woke up he smiled and said, “Happy wife, happy life.” I have to admit, I was willing to compromise then.
I just LOVE your humor….it’s nice to know there are funny people out there that don’t have to use foul language and sexual innuendo to be “funny”. There is nothing funny about that. Keep up the funny business Ken!! <3
G’day Ken, I am an Aussie. I am a nurse. I first watched one of your videos (A twisted Mind) about 5 years ago when a church friend recommended it to me. I laughed until the tears were flowing freely and I was finding it hard to breathe. Once the video ended and I had the laughter under control, the tears flowed afresh. This time it was in gratitude. You see, I have a little secret; are you listening? Come closer…closer…okay, you ready? I have a twisted mind too! but until I watched you, I thought I was NOT okay. You see I’d be the one in a church meeting who’d throw their hand high and yell “Oh Oh, pick me, pick me” like a kid in class (I’m 50 by the way) when a question was asked. I was the one who got fired for “Unprofessional behaviour” when I put cooked chicken wings in the steam sterilizer at work to get a laugh out of a stressed co-worker (It was autoclave cleaning day, that’s why I felt safe to do it). I have been suicidally depressed because I thought I was just too twisted and should be acting my age. Now I understand I’m not alone and have accepted my weaknesses and eccentricities as simply being the way God made me. Through you and the wonderful gift you have, I have accepted my happily twisted mind and the child-like joy I find in everyday things as normal and use them to bring a smile wherever I can. Thank you Ken. I hope you never underestimate or doubt the impact you have on peoples’ lives.
With much love’
Judy Eddison
Absolutely love your humorous antidotes!! Could possibly give you lots of topics beings I was raised in a town and moved to the farm when we were married. 😉 Our biggest problem seems to be he’s an early riser, and and tend to stay up too late. That doesn’t work real well… Hope to see you at Okaboji in August!!