Speaking to 22,000 teens in DC
One of the questions asked of me all the time is “What was your favorite audience?” People wonder if it was the 85,000 men I spoke to at a Promise Keepers event, or perhaps the 22,000 teenagers gathered in Washington DC, or maybe it was speaking to introduce the President of the United States. All those people are wrong.

Working the Crowd
I love doing my comedy shows and bringing laughter and hope to all kinds of audiences, but my favorite audience is some tiny little grandchildren that I love very much.
They think I am the funniest guy alive. When they were very small all I had to do was shake a set of car keys and they would laugh convulsively. Shake car keys at one of my shows?……….silent stares. If I make a face and whoop like a monkey they laugh until they can’t breath. I did that in a restaurant once………..hand cuffs.

One of my raving fans!
In my new DVD, “Under the Influence,” I proclaim without shame how the power of love impacts our lives. One of our biggest concerns in the recent Tennessee flood was the safety of our little ones. I moved a thousand miles to be near them. I will spend the rest of my life letting them know about the greatest love of all!
Four generations living under the influence of love!

Four generations of Love
I just finished standing shoulder to shoulder with some amazing people. They were men and women from various walks of life who are not satisfied with mediocrity. They seek excellence in everything they do. They were the Dynamic Communicators Workshop students who came to our DCW conference at Winshape Retreat to learn to be extraordinary communicators. Some were pastors, youth pastors, or worship leaders. Many were executives, owners and leaders from Chick-fil-A. We had apologists, small business owners, authors, and professional speakers.

New friends from Dynamic Communicators Workshop
All of them were first class people, not because of their position but because of their commitment to excellence.
If you strive for excellence, if you have dreamed of being able to speak with confidence and power, I would love to have you join us next year. Our next workshop is October 25-28 in Beaver Creek, Colorado. We will give anyone who registers in the next 30 days a $200 discount. Attendance is limited so I want to give you a chance to register early.
Hi Ken!
I just want to say thanks for being you!
I live in Cape Town, South Africa and our local Christian radio station (CCFM) plays your Lit’n up and live braodcasts daily! I love it!!! Combined with the excellent presenter and music, it’s the perfect way to drive to work.
I do hope that your material becomes availabe in South Africa at some stage. Otherwise I’ll just have to fly over to the States to get it! 🙂
May God bless you and your family always!
Lotsa love,
I would love to come to Africa. When I do, I hope I get a chance to meet you. Our materials by the way are available on the website and can be shipped anywhere in the world. Until we meet, God bless you.
just wondering if you have ever been to Australia? I have just found you, I may be the last to have heard of you but I’d love to see you perform. Any plans of coming here soon???
We are planning to come to Australia next June. Keep an eye on the web site for updates and itinerary. Hope I can meet you when we come.
Had a few viewing the website in Safari on the Mac, but I still loved the site!