My inspiring friend Kallai
Sometimes I ask myself why I leave my family every week to endure the hassle of travel. Occasionally I get weary and wonder why would I eat junk food and sleep in lonely hotel rooms in order to stand on a stage and deliver the one gift God has given me. Then I meet a girl like Kallai, and I vow that I will do this until God takes my breath away.
Dear Ken Davis,
Hi, I am Kallai Hokanson. I am 13 years old. I am from Wisconsin. I enjoy reading, playing violin and flute, learning and laughing. I am also proud to be a Christian. in March of 2007 I was diagnosed with Leukemia and after it relapsed I received a bone marrow transplant in August of 2010. I am now doing stupendously! God is great!

I have enjoyed watching your DVDs in the hospital and when I was getting radiation treatment. I got zapped in one room, while radiation physicists watched me on monitors in another. Just so you know the group of radiation physicists at Mayo really enjoyed you too! My parents heard them laughing.
You have mad me laugh even when I had multiple tubes coming out of me. Hey, if you ever want to give anyone the willies, stick a feeding tube down your nose and then throw it back up. One end of the tube coming out the nose and the other end out the mouth. You should have seen the look on my mom’s face!
You manage to incorporate a meaningful Christian message into your comedy. Not many comedians do that. You have helped me see the humor of life at the worst time and gave me hope.
Nothing else needs to be said. Kallai’s beautiful smile says is all!
Kallai is recovering from a bone marrow transplant. You can keep up with her progress at caringbridge.

Kallai's family in solidarity - Dog refused to shave
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Thank thank thank
By the time i finished reading this, I couldn’t decide to laugh or cry – so I did both. Beautiful. Sad. Funny. Scarey. Life.
That’s okay I did both writing it!!!
Kallai is truly an inspiration! Thanks for sharing her letter.She will be in many, many prayers.
Ken, for every person that tells you how much an inspiration you have been to their lives, there are many, many, many more that have been just as inspired, blessed, and touched by you that you will never hear about. But even if Kallai was the only one, all the security checks in the world, would be worth it!
Thanks beth!
You’re inspiring! May God continue to bless your recovery. Faith, family friends and laughter are great medicine. God Bless.
Thank you Mary
What a great letter! You’re right, nothing more needs to be said, she said it all. Thanks Ken, for keeping on!
She is an amazing little girl.
You are the best…I thank the Lord for you….We Minnesotans are the best!!!!
Cindy, IF not the best you are certainly the coldest. I love the people but almost froze to death.
Thanks for sharing Ken & Kallai too. You are both an inspiration to me. I’ve known for a long time that laughter is the best medicine, and when the Lord is brought into that laughter, there’s no limit to what can happen. God is the best physician ever. Thank you both for being You!!!!!!
A friend in Christ from MN
Thank you for the comment jeannie!
Ken, your acoount about Kallai was a winner! People like her make it all worthwhile. But even beyond that, all people are extremely valuable because God says so. Why do we do anything, if it isn’t for other people? (Yeah, I know, sometimes we don’t hold the best perspective–we only do it for US!) Life is meaningful and good when we keep God first in our lives and other people second. When we do that, our own selves receive everything we need. Everybody wins!
You are so right.
It is indeed a special gift you have. Keep up the funny because the (hurting) side effects are far outweighed by the effects of a good laugh and great message.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Ken, I’m sure you have heard many times that Laughter is the Best medicine but I’m convinced you are a BIG part of her recovery. Thank you for all you do.
OK,it’s time I let you know how much we have enjoyed your videos/DVD’s. (The first one we saw was “Twisted Mind.”) Not under the same circumstances as this precious little girl, but our grandchildren have enjoyed Ken Davis since they were very little. We heard you at Grace Church last Saturday night and you haven’t “lost a bit!” You are as good as ever. God has blessed you with a real gift and you are using it. Praise God!
What an inspiration – both of you!
my vote is that you do the nose tube thing on stage to REALLY show your support for her!
My husband and I have seen you a couple of times when you have come to Wenatchee and really enjoy seeing you and hearing your humorous way of bringing the message of Christ!
Keep up the good work and we look forward to more of your wonderful witnessing!
Darcy and Doug Marsh
I don’t know if I ever had a password for this site
but would appreciate hearing from you, if I did.
Where in WI do you live. I would love to make contact with you. I am a WI 48 year resident. You are GREAT!!!!!! What an inspiration you must be to all those around you. I pray God’s very best for you.
I first met you on our first cruise out of Florida on 2005 after I retired from California to Tennessee. I never laughed so hard in all my life as I did at your presentations. Yet I know you have a very serious side, when we enjoyed you as the keynote speaker at one of the weekend Gaither events we attended a few years later. Kallia’s letter to you inspired me to tell you how very much we appreciate your “gifts” and to apologize for not letting you know sooner. I read this somewhere and think it applies to you. “Blessed are the cracked, for they let in light!
Aww… how very very sweet. Isn’t that wonderful how her family supports her so lovingly?! I love that.
I first encountered you and your wisdom & humor abaout 20 years ago through your book “How to Speak to Youth and Keep Them Awake at the Same Time”. I am 50 and have been ministering to teens and young adults for 30 years. Kallai is certainly a blessing needed when you get weary. Your example has kept me going and given me instruction and “mentoring” for two decades. I, too, want to thank you for the sacrifices you have made to advance God’s Kingdom and encourage others. Bless you brother.
I appreciate you meeting with Kallai and posting this. Kallai is my niece, and we’ve seen her withstand things no child (or adult) should ever have to experience, yet she’s always had a smile on her face. Thanks for contributing to that smile.
THanks Ken for all you do. You had the temerity to comment on the cold weather and THEN suggest going on an Alaskan tour!!
I know it’s in the summer time. In NE we have had 20 in of snow, then 15 inches. This past week it felt like Spring int the 60’s. Next week it’s back to the deep freeze.
Do come back to Norfolk, NE when it is warm.
Thanks for sharing about the young woman story. You indeed have given her good medicine!!
i am 13. that is the best thing i have ever heard.
Johnathan, Your comment is one of the best things I have ever heard. Thank you for reading and for your encouraging comment.