Three of the Hardest Words in the English Language

Three of the Hardest Words in the English Language

Three of the Hardest Words in the English Language

Note from Ken: This is a repost of a blog I created several years ago. The message is as true today as it was when I first wrote it.

A talented performer experienced uncommon success in his career. Everywhere he went he was received with enthusiasm and his rapport with his audiences enabled him to encourage and entertain thousands.

His private life was in shambles.


  1. As usual, Ken, we never know for sure what you may be thinking!!
    Uhmmmm………………dunno, but I will say that I peaked to the bottom of the blog, before I read it, to see what the three words are and you did the “til next time” thing. I think you were on to me!! LOL

  2. According to Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb “I need you” (according to a google search)

  3. Before we can seek forgiveness or help we must see ourselves as we really are and that only God can change our heart. As we look into our own self-exalting, covetous hearts; we need to begin with these three words. “Lord, forgive me”. If spoken with a heart that is sincere, then we are ready for Him to guide us to repair whatever damage we have perpetrated by our own failure.

  4. “I am sorry” or “I was wrong” or “Please forgive me.”

  5. These are some good responses….my top guess is “God, help me” followed by “I am sorry” and “I don’t know.”

  6. I don’t know for sure what the three words were, but I’m pretty sure they weren’t, “Pass the bacon.”

  7. ‘I need help’, would be on top of my list except there is no
    ‘please’, always have a please and a thank you.

  8. I think “I need help,” is the answer. My 2nd choice is “I need you.”

  9. How about “I love you” or “Forgive me, Jesus” or “Help me, Jesus.”

  10. Pingback: Can You Say These Three Important Words? | Ken Davis

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