Don’t Blend In!

shutterstock_331483511On a recent television show, the following question was asked of a social “expert” who was guest hosting the show.

“We have just moved into a new community, how can we make a good impression on our neighbors?”

The expert answered, “The most important thing is not to be different. People weird out when they meet people who are different. Blend in.” he said, “Be just like everybody else.”

I almost threw my coffee cup at the television. 

In a world where people are isolated, easily offended, politically correct, uncommitted and fearful, I don’t want to “blend in.” People who “blend in” don’t make good impressions, they make no impression at all.

I want to be different

I want to be…

  • weird
  • curious
  • talkative
  • fun to be around
  • full of surprises
  • adventurous
  • caring
  • steadfast in my beliefs
  • that Christian guy
  • questioning
  • loyal
  • committed

I’ve got the weird part down and I am working to get more intentional about the rest of the list.

What if Abraham Lincoln had blended in?
What if Mother Theresa had blended in?
What if Jesus had blended in?

Every one of us are unique creatures created in the image of God. You don’t have to be like me, but you have to be like you.

My friend McNair Wilson puts it this way, “if you don’t do you, then you doesn’t get done and the world misses out on a unique and important aspect of God’s creation.”

As Uncle Sam puts it, “Be all that you can be.”

Whatever you do don’t “Just blend in.”

What is on your list of the ways you would like to be different? List ’em and live ’em! [reminder]


  1. Ken I find myself going over your list and brother I want you to know I love every item in the list. I have always been a little if not a lot of each. I hate fake or put on shows for people. To me if you can’t be yourself who are you? I refuse to be politically correct as I’m not a politician. There is entirely to many people who want to change how everyone thinks and if you’re not one of them you’re useless. God made me who I am and only God can change me. If I was intended to “Blend” in God would have made us robots. Thank you for all the humor you deliver to the world.

  2. Right on! Loved your “I’m with Him” T-shirt. We had one, but it was in a small bag that my husband thought was trash. We saw it as it went up in flames. We lived in the country at the time and were allowed to burn our trash.

  3. Jeremiah 29:11 was incredibly liberating for me. God has good plans for me. Me! He made me. Knew what He was doing, both good and bad and decided to go ahead with it. And He has good plans for how He’s going to use me. That is the best thing ever! It is the deceiver who gets ahold of our hearts early and tells us, “You’re nobody. You don’t have anything to contribute. Don’t stick out or you get smacked down.” Well, I stopped listening to him. I’m not perfect, because I’m a work in progress but I’m getting better the closer to Jesus I draw and I’m kinda cool, because He made me that way. How awesome is that! My heart is to teach others the same truth because that is what sets us free to be able to pass it on. What a good, good Father we have.

  4. There are days that I’d like to blend in a little more. However, the one way I’d like to be different is I wish I wasn’t such an introvert. I’d love to be able to talk more when in public. The more memory I lose the more introverted I become, therefor, I can’t speak as eloquently as I once did and if I could be better at public speaking there would be a lot of stories I could tell

    1. Roger, You are one of the most articulate people I know. Love your wit and humor.

  5. Thank you, thank you Ken! I have early on set bipolar “disease”. Early onset means I have had this since I was 5 years old. I have ALWAYS been different. Sometimes it brought good things…energy, happiness, etc. But, mostly it has brought much depression and pain, lost friends and getting into bad relationships (a 30 year abusive marriage.) However, I have a wonderful son from that marriage, I had a very successful career as a soloist and church musician. I love Jesus and I know without Him I wouldn’t be alive today. I embrace weird! Have been, always will be weird! I am a blessed person who has NEVER been “normal,” I stand out, can’t help it ! I just try to be a blessing to others. You, Ken Davis, are one of my favorite people. Let’s raise a mug of coffee to weirdness! God bless you!

  6. Great comments, Ken!
    The tag line for my ministry is “Sharing the Heart of God with the Hearts of Women.” I’m just now getting started but I want to be known by what my tag line says.

  7. Reason #1, why my wife and I receive complements on our front yard – we don’t blend in.
    No other neighbor has shrubs cut into animal shapes.

  8. I just married a 48 year old man (I’m 75). We mow lawns in Alaska. Also, because I figure my education was incomplete — only completed one year toward my Master’s degree — I just began a 10 year plan to read selections from a collection entitled “The Great Books of The Western World.” I recommend it.

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