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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “$50,000,000 or a Chance to Start Over!”.
I would live my life over. I would avoid the heartache, but indulge my life in Christ. I would show more love to my family. I would spend more time with Grandma! Mostly, I would never become a truck driver! !
I would take the $50,000,000. I have made many mistakes in my life, but they have made me who I am today. Plus, living my life over again just sounds downright exhausting! 😉
I would go with the money. Because even if I had learned from my mistakes, living life again, I would just make new mistakes. I could benefit my family, church and community so much more with the money than with my life lived again. My mistakes made me who I am and give me grace with others. While I wish I could erase some of the hurts I have cause, I do not want to erase who they made me to be.
I would take the $50 million. Who knows what new mistakes I would make the second time around, or what my new children from my other marriage would be like (I definitely would marry someone else and avoid the horrors my sons and I had to live through). I would not trade my sons for anything. They have grown to be strong Christian men who love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and mind. They do so much good in this world. I would just take the pay-off. With it, I could do a lot of good for myself, my sons, and others I have met along the way.
Thanks, Ken. Taking a few minutes to dream has been fun. You are such a treasure.
I would definitely take the $50mm. I would set up investments for each of my five children and my grandchildren. Then, I would pay tuition reimbursement for them to be educated about how to manage them and help them purchase their own debt free homes. My children are all industrious. They’d be set for generations.
Next, using $45mm, I would establish three restorative safe-houses for juvenile sex trafficking survivors, placing an administrator, a clinical director, and a financial director over each and pay them for five years. They would be expected to train their replacements the fourth year and establish three more homes the fifth.
Finally, I would set up a foundation to fund education for Biblical Activism or join one, like the Leadership Institute.
Have a great day!
Take care of family and church. Set up a 501C3 to help people that can not get help thru “proper channels”to
On the one hand, 50Mil is a ton of cash and I’m single… what cool things I could do with that… move, buy a home w/some land, get that ever elusive first print TMNT #1 from 1984 and a ton of other things like pay for my medical expenses…. on the other hand, if I could go back to being 5, I could get tested ALL the time for signs of the tumor, buy that first print TMNT #1 by the box load (& sell some now), save more money when I was in my teens, buy a house and not make all those silly mistakes I made…. plus I could spend more time with my Gramps, tell my Dad somethings he needed to know 20 years ago, hang out more with the friends that have died far too young… and then be worth maybe more than 50Mil… also, talk my folks into finding a way to get me into MIT back when I was a 5th grader and they wanted me, as a 5th grader….
Wow, on the one hand it would be great to have a “do over”, to fix the things that I have done wrong, and be quicker about doing the things I did right, but I think I would have to go with the money instead… I’ve lived my life (at least as far as I have gotten), and my mistakes and successes have made me who I am and brought me to this point… If I were to start over, even knowing what I know now, I would still make mistakes, maybe worse mistakes than I have… But I can always use what I know now, to teach my daughters what I have learned, and help them avoid those same mistakes… I could use the money to help them, my wonderful wife, and a number of organizations that I feel would do more good with the money than I ever would… I know the money is not going to solve anybody’s problems either, but maybe it can help lighten their load for a little while, or give them a chance to make some improvements to start moving in the right direction…
I’d take the money. What I’ve done has made me who I am. I’m not proud of a lot of things, but I like me very much, and don’t want to change anything. Much. But with that money I could afford my own chef and personal trainer so I could fit into the skinny jeans I could buy!
I would take the money. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but I believe God has used them to help me help others. Without the pain and problems I have had I probably would not seek after God the way I do or at least want to do. When we have easy times in our lives we tend to think we can do it all on our own, or have done it all on our own. Both thoughts are dangerous and they lead us away from a close relationship with our God and Savior Jesus Christ. Also as you said I could pay everything off and be a blessing to so many people. I have dreamed of being blessed enough to bless other more. It would be cool to walk up to a stranger and say I want to pay for whatever their bill was and walk away praising God for the opportunity to bless someone else.
I would take the money, pay bills, and then use it to reach others for Christ. I don’t want to go back to 5.. there are too many lessons to relive. I want to take what I know now and hopefully use it for His purpose 🙂
I would take the 50 million, it doesn’t matter how much you know you will make mistakes, new ones. So I’ll take the money and maybe do a lot more good in what I know now!!!
I would take the money. Not because I think material things are important but because I trust that God already is using me with all my flaws. I would love to have an entire life full of the love for Christ. However, I would not have touched the lives that I have or that I will touch because of all the mistakes I have made. The money would provide so many ways to help others and devote my time to that instead of worrying about earning an income.
I would go for the do over. The chance to not offend those that I love and to make the better decisions. To know the value of the gift of salvation is priceless, but to also know when the market will rise and fall would mean I would still have the $50,000,000.
My 86 (?) year old Mother-in-law asked me a few weeks ago if she should opt for the $7,000,000 cash settlement or the $7,000 a week from Publisher’s Clearing House. My first reaction was the weekly but then I remembered her age and changed my answer before responding. When I did the math I found out that it would take 38 1/2 years for the $7000 to turn into $7 million.
Oh no not go back to being 5 years old – take the cash and bless the Kingdom, my Mom, and my family. Being able to be in full time ministry spreading the Good News of the Gospel.
I am eighty two and have five of six children now living. Many grandchildren. I raised my children alone and we worked together through many good and hard times. I have a book of stories and love. Saying this…I have to say I could not do it over again. Why would I. We are all born again and love the Lord and love each other. I know what is now but why would I do … over? I love your videos and stories of you family Ken Davis. Thank You.
I would go back. I am an only child and I was caregiver for my parents and Maternal Grandmother for five years before they died in 2015, Father in March, Grandmother in April and Mother in August. I would go back and make my parents eat better, stop smoking (Mother died from COPD). I would not move away from them and would be closer. Money means nothing. Family means everything. I would make sure when my friends needed help I would help them.
It wouldn’t take 50 mil. I’d stay “here” for $200k or less.
I believe I would take the $50 million because it would change the lives of many families/people, not just my own life and the lives of those I love. Greed has caused too many people to live underprivileged lives and it’s getting worse as time goes on! People who have their own needs met enjoy their lives with loved ones, but few really reach out to help the deserving underprivileged!
Going back to age 5, even knowing what to do or not to do, would only change my life and the lives of those I love.
I already know my response. The Lord has worked hard to get me to 63 and I wouldn’t want to put Him through it again even with a hopefully wiser version! Take the 50 million knowing heaven is just getting closer every day… Besides, I think I’m right where He wants me.
Thank you, Ken, for this opportunity to ponder. As many times as I’ve wished my life could be different, I’ve finally conceded that the path my life took was the one God used to bring me to where I am and make me who I am today, so I wouldn’t change it for anything; especially my 2 wonderful sons and daughters-in-law, and my husband who loves me soooooo much!! He is the I AM of my “was”. (Credit to Beth Moore for this powerful phrase!) His love has made me love Him, and taught me to love others much better. Besides, it would be such fun to spread that $50M around like the leaves of autumn, so…SHOW ME THE MONEY!! Many blessings!!!
I would do some things I did not & not do some things I did.
To be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t want either one…. money carries its own unique set of problems and I would not want to make some of the choices I already made or live through some of those experiences again even if I were able to make different decisions. They made me who I am and good or bad I am where I am in this life and am looking forward to the next with all my heart.
I would try for $25,000,000 and only go back 34 years. No really no other option, go back.
I would take the money and, from the bulk of it, donate all over the place. I don’t care to repeat my childhood; even if I could, knowing what I do, I would only mess it up in different ways, since I still don’t know everything!
An interesting scenario you have there. I think i’d choose to continue my life from my current age( with or without the $50 million). Yes i have made some mistakes in the past, but i believe they’ve all played a part in my growth and appreciation of life. So for me, i wont go back
I would choose to live over b/c not only would i get the chance to relive the good parts but make them GREAT parts, relive the GREAT parts AGAIN, but refix the parts that weren’t even good to start with. What a wonderful opportunity not only for me but for everyone else. God and I could BOTH make it a BETTER PLACE.
I would take the money. So many good things I could do for missions and others.
Not saying that I don’t have a few regrets. But that is in the past. Now I have Christ in my heart. And with Him can make the difference.
I would live my life over. However, I at that point choose to make at least 1 mistake over because otherwise I would not have my children or grandchildren. Perhaps, if I had known then what I know now I could have handled things much differently and turned that mistake into something positive. I wasn’t following Christ at all at that point and if I could go back with Him in my life and a different attitude, everything could be different.
Tried to comment. But it said that I had already sent the same reply. Never have responded before now.
Hi Jane,
So sorry about that! Can you respond to this message with your comment? We’d love to hear what you would choose!
Hi Jane,
After further review, I do see your comment below! Looks like it worked after all. 🙂 Thanks for reading Ken’s blog!
I would go back to five and not stop asking questions even when my earthdads standard answer was ‘ there’s nothing to it stephen, it’s all dry land. But in stead of the wonder about things of life questions I would go back knowing to ask about communication and about how our communication gets messed up and communicating with GOD(praying) constantly and find someone to mentor me into a proper relationship with GOD BECAUSE I AM STILL NOT THERE YET
Oh what a wonderful question. I think it might need an addendum—do I get the same parents and family or does my special life-knowledge change that too!?!? Perhaps my knowledge would give me power to not allow the dysfunction to permeate my entire being??? That’s the only way I would want a life do-over!!
BTW, we are all still cute in our own ways!!!
I’d the the money because I would not go through those teenage years ever for anything.
I would go back and pour my energy and understanding of His grace and truth into serving in the Kingdom and reaching kids and teens with the transforming love of our Lord and enjoy the adventure all over again.
Take the money. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my 60 years. It’s made me who I am today. I’m not wealthy, or famous. Not even that healthy really, but I still have it pretty good. I have an awesome family and good friends. Living over you would still have issues…maybe worse, maybe the same amount, but different problems. That money would build me a great garage and lots of motorcycles! And maybe pay a couple of bills.
There is no question it would be to live again starting again at age five. Having Christ is more valuable than silver or gold as well as a mansion with the God who loves us so! God also says to depend on him for whatever we need just like the birds of the air have no cares. I would want to choose God’s way more times than I have in the past but mistakes can also teach us to be more like Christ and to move us more in his direction especially as we learn to depend on him.
To start over… I could make the same or better impact on the World for Christ by repeating the same GOOD things, but also do so much more. Money is never a motivator for me.
In the end though, if such a thing as possible, then this world not function the way it does nor would God be the God he is since that would mean the nature of everything would be different to allow for such a thing to happen. Therefore I am totally content with the life that God has allowed me to live and the impact I have and am making for His kingdom. No regrets, or it implies God should have done something to make my life better. It is what it is and if there was a possible world that could have been better for all of God’s purposes, then God would have decreed that one to come to pass.
I would take the money. I love my life now. My beautiful wife and three boys. If I started over I my never even have them in my life.
I would choose the money. Right now my brother in law is fighting cancer and we don’t have the funds to send him to the usa for better treatment. Likewise I would not want to relive my life because I love how everything has come together. I could have avoided heartache but that’s where I developed who I am and I appreciate myself pulling through. Money would also be nice to pay for my wedding and to buy a house with my fiance. So definitely money haha I’m thankful for my life and how I’ve lived regardless of my hard times. 🙂
I would probably make worse mistakes than before. But maybe I would be wiser in my marriage, in getting help sooner. Maybe we would still be together. All I can do is live this life seeing the Lord as best as I am able. Trust in Him.
Ugh. Last name is Jones.
Oh, Wow, what a choice
I would take the money because I do not want to relive some of the things I went through, but if I had not gone through them I wouldn’t be the person I am today!
How many other lives would it affect if we were different then and now !?
Live my life over with the wisdom life experiences have given, mostly to love family & friends more intensely.
I would take the $50,000,000 as well. I wouldn’t want to start over to see if the same things would re-occur that had in the past. They say that money is the root of all evil; I think as long as you are responsible about the money and don’t let it go to your head, then it wouldn’t be that evil. I know with the money I’d pay off my current bills, I’d pay off one of my b/f’s bills so she wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore including paying the taxes from the money.
to go back five years would mean so would every one else including those who are in a lot of pain and have to relive that pain. but also i would not totally have the knowledge i have now because of the experience i had with the learning with the people i connected with at that time
Money isn’t the root of all evil, but the LOVE of money is.
Sorry, that money comment was for Rachel
I would take the money in a heart beat. My big regrets in life are choices I made about money. Don’t get me,wrong, I’ve made other choices I regret, by I learned from them. The money ones tho have never been corrected. Plus I could help a lot of other people also. I love my fEmily and friends. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. But I would like to fulfill a few dreams. Money can’t buy happiness…but it helps.
That is a tough question because I would like both. I don’t know if I would want to start as young as 5. The only catch of starting over would be that I would have the memory or knowledge of this life so I knew what and who to avoid and what I would do better. I would like 50 million too. I would first give God the first 10%(charities) then pay bills, invest it, give to family and build a house for me and my dog(s).
BTW would you be cute if you went back? I thought you said you weren’t cute.
I think I would start over at age 5 with the knowledge that I have now.
Definitely the money. As long as everything ends in Jesus, there’s no such thing as regret. He redeems all of our mistakes. And even if we’d get the chance to start over, we’d still make mistakes, because we’re human.
I would go back to the age of 5. There would be such a difference in my life and in the lives of my family.
No way, with that much money I would just make new mistakes.