What is it about the spirit of a child that sometimes outshines many adults?

1. They have tender hearts. They are not ashamed to be moved by the needs of others.
2. They believe that you and I will be moved in the same way.
3. They believe that God can do anything.
Read the letter Jordyn wrote and respond with the spirit of a child.
1. Nurture a tender heart
2. Be moved by the needs of people around you.
3. Believe!
Please read all of this amazing letter, if nothing else you will be blessed by the heart of this six year old…….Hi Disney World! My name is Jordyn and I am 6 years old.
I am so glad to talk to you. I want to tell you about Jenna.
She is 15 years old and she has brain cancer. She is beautiful and she loves Jesus. I read about her every day and I have been praying God would make her okay. My mom had cancer too, and so did Samantha’s mommy, so I know Jenna will be okay.

I want to do something special for Jenna and her family. I want to send them to Disney World to help her family have a good time when she is done taking all her medicine. She is in between Disneyland and Disney World, but I want her to go to Disney World, because it’s closest to us.
I told my mom I wanted to bring her family out for 10 weeks, but mama said 1 week would be better. My mom and I looked at how much it would cost to bring Jenna to Disney for a week, stay in your hotel, and eat your food. I have come up with 11 different ways I can raise money; like lemonade stands, garage sales, painting pictures, and selling them. Oh, and having my friends come over and paying me to play games with them. I also want to make my own website called jordynhelps.com. My mom and dad are helping me with that.
I asked my mama if we could go to Disney World last week because I wanted to talk to some people and see if they could help me. We went to Hollywood Studios because Disney Jr. is my favorite. But first, we talked to Mr. Justin. He was very funny and gave me some juice.
I told him all about Jenna, and asked if he could help us. He said he could help with tickets if I got everything else done. That made me so happy. We played at Hollywood Studios for a little bit, and then I asked my mama if we could go to the hotel, so I could talk to some more people.
I really want Jenna’s family to stay at the Coronado Springs hotel because that is where our family went when we adopted Austin (her brother). It was awesome! And I loved the pool. And I loved the food. You have good food there. We went to the hotel and talked with Miss Kate. I like being silly!
She was really nice and I felt shy telling her about Jenna, just like I did with the other guy. But, we started drawing pictures of Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, Donald, Goofy, Pluto, Butch, Clarabel, Pete, and the rest of the gang. We gave them nicknames too.
So, I told her Jenna has brain cancer, and we want to send her to Disney World after she takes her medicine. I asked her how much it would cost to stay at the hotel so I know how much money I need to give her. She gave us your email address and asked me to write you a letter to tell you about Jenna and how I want to bring her to Disney World. She said you could help me out a lot and told me to tell you everything I want Jenna and her family to do.
So, here is my list.
- I want Jenna to be okay and I hope her hair doesn’t fall out from the medicine. But if it does, I am going to cut my hair and donate it for kids who don’t have hair. I did this when Samantha’s mommy lost her hair too.
- I want her to fly to Florida from Colorado in an airplane.
- I want her family to spend a week going to all the Disney parks.
- I want Jenna to meet Cinderella. She LOVES Cinderella, and when she was my age, she used to dress up like Cinderella. I don’t do that. I dress up like Belle, because Belle is my favorite.
- I want Jenna to stay at the Coronado Springs hotel and go to your pool. You have the best pool.
- I want Jenna to eat your food (Meal Plan). You have the best food and I want her to eat lots of ice cream.
- I want Jenna to get lots of fast passes so she doesn’t have to wait in line.
- I want Jenna to eat a really big, ginormous lollipop.
- I want Jenna to eat lunch with Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy.
- I want Jenna to go on the Yeti ride because it freaks my daddy out and he screams like a little girl.
- I want Jenna to go to Disney Jr. so she can collect ribbon, gold doubloons, and pop the bubbles.
- I want Jenna and her family to spend time together and have lots of fun.
Miss Kate said you would help us pay for Jenna’s family to do this, and I could still raise money to give to her to spend at Disney. So, will you please tell me how much money I need to give you so we can give this trip to Jenna’s family?
Thank you so much!
Due to their policies and regulations, Disney was unable to help Jordyn cover any portion of this trip. However, through fundraising and a sweet gift from a family friend, the Disney Resort, ground transportation, and tickets for this family have been taken care of. But, Jordyn and her family are not stopping there. They would still like to cover the airline tickets, meal plans, and some spending money for each member in the family.
Lets demonstrate to little Jordyn that God CAN do anything. Strengthen the faith of a child. Check out “Faith like a child,inc.” They have some nice gifts to thank you for your contribution. I am going to contribute as well.
Thank you Jordan for blessing me.
When has the heart of a child moved you?
This little girl is a sweet friend and has a heart of Gold. She is also a real little girl with the mood swings and feistiness all little girls exhibit. But she trusts God and wants to help others. Please comment. Let her know that people appreciate the heart of a six year old.
She is definitely sweet AND spice!! =) Thanks for sharing her heart here Ken! We have been in awe watching God work in and through her life to show US just how BIG God is!!
oh this is so sweet. I have tears in my eyes. Yes, I’ll help. Thank you Ken. What a lovely reminder of this precious life we have and why we have it.
Thank you Deana!! Appreciate your sweet words!
My eyesight was good when I started to read Jordyn’s letter, by the time I
finished it became clear that I needed new glasses.
Aw!! That’s sweet Stephen!! Hope the new glasses work well for you!! =)
Probably cataracts! (-;
Wow! Jordyn, you are quite an amazing girl! Thank you for having a heart like Jesus.
I will let her know you said this Amy!! Thanks for your sweet words! =)
Thanks for sharing this story Ken. I love hearing about kids who want to give rather than take, take, take. What a sweetheart! Please send us updates about this story!
Hi Tracey! Our family will be keeping Ken in the loop on what our daughter is doing. She does have a Facebook page called “Faith Like A Child, Inc.” if you’d like to follow her journey there!
Thank you Ken!!! We so appreciate all of the support everyone has given Jenna and our family!!! Thank you so much my friend!!!
Jordyn, I have tears in my eyes as I’m reading this.
The only thing I can add to that story is Thank You.
Aw, I didn’t mean to make you cry Miss Sylvain! Love, Jordyn