Help Us Make this Blog Better: A Fun Survey!

Reader Survey
Please help me make my blog posts more enjoyable and relevant. This survey will only take a few minutes to fill out, and I tried to make it fun. Your response is totally anonymous and your response will be invaluable. You WILL NOT be graded on your answers.  Have fun!

Click here to take the survey.


  1. I completed the survey, but I did put a question in there I would like an answer to! So, I am giving you this comment. Over the last two months, I have rented every DVD I could find that you have out through Christian Cinema (will be watching the last one tonight). I have thoroughly enjoyed them all. If you ever perform in the Space Coast area of Florida, I would love to attend your presentation. As an older lady on Social Security, I am still interested in purchasing your entire library of DVDs. Thank you. God Bless.

  2. I just completed the survey and thought that I’d like to add that of all the people who “think” they’re funny, you are the best. I first saw you at an evening session in Lansing, Mi —–years ago and I don’t remember when my wife and I laughed as much as we did that night. We went through the same thing the next time we saw you in person as well. I think the main thing you can do to further improve your message is keep ’em laughing. Thanks

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