Please help me make my blog posts more enjoyable and relevant. This survey will only take a few minutes to fill out, and I tried to make it fun. Your response is totally anonymous and your response will be invaluable. You WILL NOT be graded on your answers. Have fun!

I completed the survey, but I did put a question in there I would like an answer to! So, I am giving you this comment. Over the last two months, I have rented every DVD I could find that you have out through Christian Cinema (will be watching the last one tonight). I have thoroughly enjoyed them all. If you ever perform in the Space Coast area of Florida, I would love to attend your presentation. As an older lady on Social Security, I am still interested in purchasing your entire library of DVDs. Thank you. God Bless.
I just completed the survey and thought that I’d like to add that of all the people who “think” they’re funny, you are the best. I first saw you at an evening session in Lansing, Mi —–years ago and I don’t remember when my wife and I laughed as much as we did that night. We went through the same thing the next time we saw you in person as well. I think the main thing you can do to further improve your message is keep ’em laughing. Thanks
Great post!