Hello, My Name is Odd
Happy Lighten Up Monday! Hope this odd little clip will bring some laughter to your day…
Happy Lighten Up Monday! Hope this odd little clip will bring some laughter to your day…
What day is this? Yep! It’s Lighten up Monday. This is one of my favorite comedy bits and real life stories. Do not watch this clip while drinking coffee or operating heavy machinery. I hope you have a spectacular and blessed week. This clip taken from Get ’em While They’re Hot.
What day is it? It’s Light Up Monday! One of my favorite comedians, John Branyan, makes me laugh with a brilliant mixture of his knowledge of Shakespeare, and his perfect recitation of a favorite children’s story. This is “The Three Little Pigs” like you have never heard it before. Have a great week! [youtube id=”OxoUUbMii7Q”]
When I was a small boy, my military minded father insisted on scrubbing me with Lava soap. Lava was a perfect name, because the soap had rocks embedded in it. Lava could remove grease and grime and even skin and bones if you kept scrubbing. It was like sandpaper for humans. HOWEVER! When the scrubbing was over and I rinsed off …
Happy Lighten Up Monday! A funny memory with my good friend, David Ring – we were going through customs in Canada and you know how I feel about airport security! Enjoy! [youtube id=”k8UvEt1ZLHs”]