No Excuses in 2014

I did this video on a freezing sunny day around Christmas.  It was designed to encourage you to keep moving in 2014 and enjoy this year fully alive.

That is my prayer for you this year.  That you will be everything you were created to be.  The first step toward that goal is to eliminate all excuses and move.
[youtube id=”rSbS-c92rSc”] What’s your excuse? 

Will you commit with me to LIVE this year?

Let’s do it together.


  1. Fantastic encouragement! Thanks Ken. I always find the “getting going” phase to be the hardest. You really do create momentum when you push through the first few steps.

  2. My favorite excuse is, “I’m having vision problems. I just can’t see myself exercising.” Right now I’m frustrated with exercising because every time I have another short circuit in my brain my hemi paralysis gets a little worse. my exercise regime right now is walking up 1/2 a flight of stairs 3 times a day and the full flight 3 times per day. my finger exercises consist of one handed typing on my computer, working the remote control, and working the throttle and winch on my atv .

    1. Roger, Those who know your story know that you have never been satisfied to sit still. If anyone could have an excuse for just vegging out, it be you. But you are not a man of excuses. I love your sense of humor. Thank you for being an example to all of us.

  3. I so wish I could get my mom up and moving. She’s in the fight for her life, and the evil in life has beaten her down. She rarely leaves her house. She sit’s in her recliner and watches the news all day. I have tried to tell her to get up and move, I pray that she somehow gets to watch your video. Oh, and thanks Ken, I liked your movie so much I posted it on facebook, my daughter watched it, and now she’s leaving college to do missions around the world. 😐 God’s joke I’m sure, I was the wanderer when I was young and passed that on to my own. :))

    1. Erica we are working on several forms of this. The first will be a family friendly five K. I will keep you up to date as these develop. Thank you for reminding me of this wrinkle.

  4. Thank you for sharing this Ken. You are an awesome man of God and I am so glad that I found you. I totally believe in what you are saying. Can’t wait to share this with others!!

  5. Thanks for your motivation encouragement truth and practicing what u preach!!
    Loved your “fully Alive” dvd.

  6. Pingback: Great blog post and video from Ken Davis | The Running Walrus

  7. Pingback: Putting That Body In Motion | Beyond Room 108

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