Her name is Jadyn. She spreads joy everywhere she goes. This picture was taken in 2007. She was three years old.
Jadyn was a praying princess. She wouldn’t let you eat a peanut unless you prayed first. One day I caught her choking the dog because he started gobbling his food without praying.
She couldn’t say “Amen.” The closest she could come was to finish her prayer with the words, “All the men.”
Jadyn was like medicine for me during a very difficult time in my life. One day we were headed for the doctor. I had said nothing to her about my condition but instinctively she knew something was wrong. As we drove her little voice drifted from the back seat. “I think we need to pray for Grandpa,” And then she prayed.
“Dear God. Please don’t let grandpa be afraid. Help him to think of bunnies and rainbows and happy faces. Help him to think of Jesus. But please don’t let him be afraid…… All the men.”
You think he heard her?
I get so many comments and messages from people who are going through deep valleys in life. Jadyn’s prayer is what I pray for you today. Please don’t be afraid. I remember those days of fear as if they happened yesterday and I am glad God answered Jadyn’s prayer. I hope these words from Isaiah will be a comfort to you:
Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you.
I’ve called your name. You’re mine
When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you.
When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down.
When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end.
Because I am God, your personal God,
The Holy of Israel, your Savior.
I paid a huge price for you:
All of Egypt, with rich and Cush and Seba thrown in!
That’s how much you mean to me!
That’s how much I love you!
I’d sell the whole world to get you back, trade creation just for you.
So don’t be afraid. I’m with you. (Isaiah 43 The Message)
This is Jadyn today! She can still say a pretty mean prayer.
Has a child ever encouraged you during difficult times? [reminder]
Read in my book, “Fully Alive” the story of Jadyn’s rescue after being lost in the Colorado wilderness.
My daughter teaches me daily about the unconditional love of God.
Julie, Thanks for your faithful follow and for your words of encouragement.
Through the years I’ve become far too serious, Ken. You let the light of Christ shining through your words and encourage me to “lighten up” and laugh a bit more. I certainly don’t want to miss any of that!
I just noticed you’ll be in Iowa in August, but we’ll be just getting back from vacation and then taking my son to college the next day. I’m bummed.
My daughter at the age of 7 encouraged me with the comment “we’ll get a baby!” We had been through infertility stuff and were in the adoption process. She had faith on days when I really struggled. Oh the wonderful faith of a child!
My grand daughter age 19 months encourages me every day in spite of several ongoing health issues. I am so blessed to have her in my life.
They are like little angels. Thanks Beth
One day at church I was thinking of all God has done for me, and how I have been blessed with such amazing born again experiences. When the past on asked if anyone needed prayer I went up. I asked for prayer for faith, courage, and strength. The following day as I drove up to my Son’s school to pick him up, I noticed he had something in his hand. What’s that? I said. “I was a good boy at school today daddy, so teacher let me pick a prize. She opened the drawer and I told her I wanted that for my daddy.” My preschool son gave me a lanyard. It said FAITH, COURAGE, STRENTH all over it! I sat there and cried. Knowing this was a very clear message from God.
What a great story! Thanks Rob
I love that girl!
It just proves that it’s not “what” you pray, but just the fact that you “do it”! Thanks for this today…
2 weeks ago we finished VBS at our church OPCRC I work with 3rd grade down to preschool. This year our theme was Wierd Animals, one days subject of being sick, so we asked about when they may have been sick and did they pray about it. I think it wasa first grader who said you have to pray about diarrhea cause you have runny poop. That just about finished the day. I love the little ones because their faith is so strong and innocent. Doesn’t get any better than that.
I so enjoyed meeting you this past weekend at Christ’s Church in Jacksonville and encouraged by your message….so refreshing. Bought your new book and can’t put it down, love it!