I was sitting on the porch of our Colorado cabin looking out at the 14,000 ft peak of majestic Mount Princeton. After a hurried week of traveling, I could feel energy trickling back into my soul.

An extraordinary source of Power!
When we first arrived we discovered that all the recreation vehicles had dead batteries. I took them to a shop where the dealer said they should sit quietly on a shelf to accept a charge of “new life” if you will, from an external power source.
Now it was my turn to recharge – as I sat quietly looking at the mountain. I closed my eyes and could feel that trickle of energy that comes from the power source that created it all. I could almost hear Gods voice give me instructions.
1. “Be Still”
2. “And know that I am God”
Since I was already feeling renewal, I thought, “I will write a blog about being still.”
So I hurried into the cabin,
– grabbed the computer,
– hurried back outside,
– connected to Word Press
and took a picture of myself with the spectacular view of the mountain reflected in the cabin window behind me.

Just before the levitation!
Then I levitated about three feet as lightning hit less than a hundred yards from our porch.
I disappeared into the cabin without my feet touching the ground. I heard a still small voice say, “What part of ‘Be still’ don’t you understand.” So I sat quietly and watched in awe as the magnificent storm passed. I heard the “I am God” in the earthshaking thunder and I let it sink in. Perhaps tomorrow would be a better time to post my thoughts. So here I am.
“Be still and know that I am God.” Two steps to recharging your life. Or you can choose a bolt of lightning which can lead to overcharging.
Do you find it hard to be still? Can you remember a time when you were still and felt the power of the creator recharge you? As always I look forward to your comments.
Additional news.
Fully Alive is now available in books stores and at amazon. Please add your review to the amazon site. Thanks for all your support.
Our fall SCORRE and LAUNCH (formerly called “The Summit”) conferences for speakers and entertainers is selling out quickly. These unique opportunities will be held back to back in Vail Colorado. Save your spot and some cash by registering for both now.
One of our staff lost a nephew, Matthew McQueen, in the Colorado theater shootings. Continue to pray for all the families affected by this terrible tragedy.
I think this is one of the hardest things for many of us to do….just being still before Him.
I tend to keep so busy I don’t here anybody. I have to continually work on it. Lightning helps. Thanks Larry.
I do find it very hard to be still. In my time with God I move around my place. I can take a minuet or two to be still during God’s Open House at church, but thats it.
You and me both, Tania. That is why these moments are pretty special.
I too, had a recharge moment a few weeks ago. Your description of the storm is almost identical to the one here last night. It toppled some trees at my parent’s property (they are in their 80’s) so I’m off to help clear the debris.
Keep the Faith!
The storms here seem less violent than back in Tennessee. However the lightning and thunder are spectacular. Thank you for your comment.
I love to recharge in the Colorado Rockies. It’s the perfect place to connect with God in a powerful way. Enjoy Ken!
You got that right!
As always, you make us stop and think about where we are with God. You do seem to be slowing down as you get older and I am,, too. That’s a good thing. Rest awhile and know that God is God.
Lightning makes me stop and think every time. Thanks Wanda
Great lesson taught through a story that made me smile. Thanks Ken
Making people smile makes me smile. Thank you for your comment, David
My mom-in-law, who went home to be with Jesus four years ago, loved the verse “Be still and know that I am God.” She told me once that the verse had two opposites…”be still” and “know.” Do nothing, do something.
Wonderful post, Ken. A great reminder to slow down and smell the coffee!!!
Hi Ken! I sooooooo agree. So many times I sit down with a cup of coffee and a beautiful view and try to be still with God. But 9 times out of 10 I get up after just a few minutes and do something. It is so very hard to really be still and talk to Him and listen to Him but so very rewarding when I do! Gonna start reading your new book Fully Alive tonight! Hoping to see you in Minnesota in October. So thankful for you Ken and your ministry for the Kingdom!
Oh Ken, after I laughed (because I could just picture you hightailing it back inside!), my next thought was, Thank the Lord you were not hit (literally) by that lightning! I do believe the enemy of our souls loves it when we stay too busy to “be still and know that I am God”. One of my favorite verses, by the way! Thanks again for an excellent lesson from life!
Be Still and know that I am God. I know wonder how many times in my hurried and chaotic life I attempted to take back situations that I had given up to God? I guess I better be learn to be still and trust in God in everything. Great lesson.
You and Michael Hyatt are on the same wave length today: https://michaelhyatt.com/the-practice-of-stillness.html
Maybe God is trying to tell me something.
God is trying to tell all of us something. If only we would respond to his gentle calling to be still in His presence, climb up on His and just be.
There’s an awesome book on stillness based on that verse you may enjoy. I refer to it often, as I’m still trying to learn to be still. The book is called “Living Still.” I think you’d enjoy it.