Thank you God!
He was unsure as he started his first prayer ever. Everyone at the table had their hands folded and eyes pretend shut. They wanted to see the expression on a little boys face as he prayed this first prayer. He too furtively peeked around the table before he began. Then with brow furrowed in earnest he spoke. “Thank you Jesus for the food and for grandma and grandpa, (pause) for daddy and mommy,” (pause) another quick peek, then he continued, “for the plates and spoons and sugar, and puppies (deep breath) for our house, for missionaries, (another peek to gain more fuel for the prayer) for the turkey and little turkeys and feathers.” The prayer was long. Even the turkey peeked to see if it was over.
Everyone withheld the temptation to snicker, but by the time he finished stomachs were growling. When the prayer was finally over the “Amen” from everyone at the table was resounding and heartfelt. Looking at the glow on his little face they knew they were on holy ground. A little boy had just demonstrated the anchor that would be at the center of his character. An anchor that would bring him great joy in the good times and provide solid comfort in tough times.
It was a cold night 71 years later and only a few were with him this time. The once smooth face was weathered and worn. His eyes looked tired but still held a glint of mischief and joy. This time they all held his hands as he prayed his last prayer.
He peeked at the loved ones who had come to be with him, then his brow furrowed in earnest. “Thank you Jesus for all you have given me. Thank you for my family, thank you for the days of sunshine. Thank you for being with me through the storms. Thank you for loving me and forgiving me.” He squeezed the hands that held his and opened his eyes wide looking with love at each person in the room, thanking God for each one.
His last word was just a whisper…. barely audible….
“thank you.”
With that his hand relaxed and a man who had been given one of the greatest gifts of all, joined the One who had given the gift.
He would be remembered for long prayers, but most of all for a grateful heart.
I thanked God today that I can still run. Because of a disease, my feet are not suppose to work well. Thank you God that I can run.
What little thing are you grateful for today? Something you may have missed in days past or taken for granted.
Thank you for loving me as I am Lord. When He and I talk there are no pretenses. All I can say is when it is my time, as above, I will be saying thank you too for all the hills that have been put in my path because without them I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to turn around every now and again and appreciate the view.
Thank you for the comment Clinton
There’s all sorts of things that I’m thankful for as I look on them. Things like running water or the ability to heat our homes or the men who recently re-roofed our home.
It’s amazing how much the little things in our lives make up the larger part. We just ignore it for the most part..
Thanks for the great reminder Joe!!
It’s the little things that make my day; however, if it wasn’t for the large gift God gave me, I don’t know if I would truely appreciate the little things. I’m greatfull that I can see Gods humor when my coffee taste like cherries (one of the better tastes this week), or, when a friend can laugh with me because I can see his face but not remember his name. I’m greatfull that I can teach people that dying from a disorder and LIVING with a disorder are two completely different things. Right now though the thing I’m most thankfull for is the ability to re-read, lost my train of thought, what I’m typing so that nobody has to see how bad my spelling really is.
Oops. I almost forgot to mention that I’m grateful to be married to a woman that can bring home the bacon (literally), change out of her camo, sit down and play lullabies on her harp.
Thanks Roger.
I’m grateful for the ability to read this post. For family and friends that support me, even when it’s hard. I’m grateful for a God that never gives up on me.
Thank you Ken for sharing a slice of real thanksgiving with us. It took me back a few years ago when we gathered around my father’s bed for the last time, a man I thank God for who guided me on the road as I lived the Christian life, who preached his heart out, who pastored people in a loving way, and who loved good music. That day as we gathered around him we sang him into heaven with the words of his favorite hymn/gospel song, “I’ve anchored my soul in the haven of rest. I’ll sail the wide seas no more. The tempest may sweep o’er the wild stormy deep, in Jesus I’m safe evermore.”
How I love the lyrics in those old hymns and the comfort they bring in difficult times. Blessings to you in the coming year. Grateful for the haven your dad enjoys today.