This is me in total rebellion. I live dangerously!
After three exhausting months of writing, touring Australia, and promoting our new limited theater release film “Fully Alive,” I went on a cruise to perform for my friend Bill Gaither. I was in trouble from the moment I stepped on board.
How could I know they would frown on fishing from the back of the ship?
How could I know they frown on shooting seagulls off the railings.
I discovered they don’t allow diving from the ship during the lifeboat drill.
You’re not allowed to flush bottles or towels down the commode.
Water skiing from the back of the boat is discouraged.
Borrowing an elderly person’s power scooter for a short joy ride around the deck is frowned upon.

Mark Lowry and Me. Brothers with Different Mothers
I was getting very discouraged until I discovered Mark Lowry was on the same boat. After two meals with Mark and I doing our own commentary on excursions we would offer if we were running the boat, the crew threatened to disembark us. We were not dissuaded. Neither one of us bark very much anyway.
Once I learned the rules, it was a very relaxing cruise. I was in the belly of the ship 8 days, then the Lord spoke to the captain of the ship and he throw me out on dry land. Now I know how Jonah felt.
I will be forever grateful for the opportunity that Bill and Gloria Gaither have given me to use my gifts to bring the hope of Christ to others. The message of living “Fully Alive” continues to touch lives from around the world and will be in over 150 theaters March 22 and 25th.
This team makes me feel like family. Thanks to the entire group and to Inspiration Cruises for loving on Diane and me.
Even though I spent several days lying in my room sick and tease about the rules on a ship I am amazed how Inspiration Cruises go out of their way to make everyone on the ship feel like a VIP.
There you have it. I am a rebel with a cause.
Draw a line, I will step over it!
Bake a cookie, I will eat it!
Give me a message of truth and hope, I will shout it till I can shout no more. Are you a rebel with a cause?
It sounds like you had a marvelous time. My husband and I often think about taking one of the Gather Cruises…we’ve been to many Homecoming concerts…but talking about it is all we can afford at the present time. Maybe when our kids get out of college and move out of our house. We will pray about that.
In the meantime, I am so looking forward to “Fully Alive”. I’ve put my name on the notify me when it comes close by list!
Keep up the good work!
Jeanean, Thank you for your comment. Check out our website for a showing near you. March 22 and 25th are the dates. HOpe you like it.
I’d like to say that I’m a rebel without a cause, but, you and I both know that that’s a lie. A rebel yes but I have a cause given to me by God and just for fun he threw another cause to me to work on. Now not only am I expected to teach people about the humor and love you can have while going through dementia and multiple strokes. I have also been asked, by God, to help children at church with serious medical problems realize that they can still enjoy life and that they should not let their problems slow them down. I only have 1 problem. I keep forgetting that these children of God have medical problems and I treat them as though they are normal, ok, not normal but kind of like me.
Roger my friend, you never cease to amaze me. I am going to try so hard to see you when I am in Wisconsin!
The picture says it all! Looking forward to being with you in April for the SCORE Conference.
See you there!
Wow! That cruise must have done you a world of good! You look younger than ever!
One of my dreams is to someday cruise with the Gaithers or David Jeremiah and be fully alive in the moment! I don’t see that happening in reality, but I can still dream!
Thanks for being so real, Ken. My granddaughter still has your autograph from February 2011. She cherishes the memory of being able to see you.
My Sunday school class is still enjoying your videos quarterly. Can’t wait for the next one!
Love in Christ to you and your!
Thank you for your comment. Hope you can join us on a cruise.
That is my dream cruise to be able to listen to you AND Mark Lowrey on the same stage at the same time-I bet you 2 could go on for at least 8 hours straight building off of each other’s amazing sense of humor. Hope you had fun in spite of all those silly rules!
Not sure the audience could make it 8 hrs. Thank you for your comment
Thank you for sharing and reminding me through my darkness of illness and death in my family that GOD still gives us a reason to smile. I have seen Mark live right after he hurt his knee and he performed from a wheelchair. I can’t wait to meet you one day. I am in Florida and can’t wait to here when you will visit here
We are going to be performing at Women of Faith in Miami this weekend. Hope you can come.
Ken, you never cease to amaze me at the things you see differently. You always get a smile, a giggle, or a big ole belly laugh from me. Thank God for His touch on you. God knows we need to laugh some along this way. Keep doing what God called you to do.
Keep smiling girl. The world needs every smile it can get.
Glad you and Mark got together. What a wonderful time it would be to see you both together. Insane madness! Thanks so much for sharing your God-given talent.
Wanda, We are working on it.
You’re such a rebel! All you need now is a Harley Davidson toy and the costume to go with it. And some fashion of ridiculous-looking facial hair.
There was on hair there, didn’t you see it?
The shorts, the ballcap, the black socks, the sneakers– you are a wild rebel. Loved the power scooter stealing— what’s next? Using canes for Limbo?
Black socks are the secret! Now I just need to pull them up real high. You made me smile. Thanks
We just finished studing Jonah at our church at Harmony so I really laughed at the in the belly of the ship. You outfit was not complete enough to be a rebel:you needed to have a foam corn hat. People in command on a ship always have a cap it is a sign of authority and a corn cap would have fit the REBEL with a cause.It is a cap better then a cheese hat. You did not mention about playing shuffle board with Mark.Your outfit was a true get up for shuffle board. You are funny very funny, enjoyed seeing you when in our area.Glad you are a rebel who tell others about Jesus. Thanks so much.Praying for you.
Geriatric Rebel Shuffleboard. Now there’s a concept.
Hi Ken. Sometimes I feel like I am a Rebel without a Clue… But I much prefer being a Rebel with a Cause… Being a Rebel with a Cause has gottene through the past six week stay in a mental institution! It’s really fun and inspiring to realise that your faith touches the other patients and nurses even when you’re at your worst…
Rebel without a clue! That made me laugh out loud.
Glad to be of service 😉
Ken, My wife and I love to cruise. Hope that you did get a chance to view the Lords hand at work in the sunrise and sunsets. I have never seen such amazing work as when I have been on a cruise. Will not be able to see your Fully Alive since there are no theaters showing it in Maine. Hope to see you show sometime in Maine.
Pray you have a great day.
Ken, Good to met you on the cruise. Small world. I sent Hendy your greetings 🙂 We plan on the March 22 and 25 showings..:)
Looking forward to seeing Fully Alive in the Willmar, Mn. theater. Any chance they could show this film in Hutchinson??? We’ve been in the crowd when you were at Youth for Christ gatherings…..what a great time!! I know this film will be super good and always a great message to win people to Christ….God bless your work!!