No humans were harmed in producing this fake photo!
I just finished a 15 mile bike ride in winds gusting to over 30 miles an hour. The ride took me an hour and fifteen minutes and included two incredibly steep hills. One of them was so steep that I had to traverse in order to keep from stopping. It was excruciating. Do you know what the hardest part of the ride was? Getting out of bed. So what is the one action that will change your life forever…..?
Just do it!
The hardest part of almost any task or challenge we face is getting started. I am an expert at sitting on my rear while I analyze how difficult a task is going to be, agonize over how long it will take mull over whether I will be able to do it to perfection. A friend of ours, who happens to run one of the most successful fortune five hundred companies in the world, put it well. “Any thing worth doing is worth doing poorly the first time.”
JUST DO IT. You can always improve on it once you have started.
My friend Eric Alexander, helped guide the first blind man to the peak of Mt Everest. He had to do more than just dream about reaching the summit. He didn’t sit around worrying because a blind man had never been on the summit before. They made it! But it would have never happened if he had hadn’t taken that first step, crossed that first stream, established that first base camp.
What you got to do today?
What you got to do?
Run or just have fun?
Forgive and let Live?
Study and Learn?
What you got to do today?
What you got to do?
Tell me what first step took that led to new horizons? OR What step do you need to take to make something happen? DO IT and then report back and let me celebrate with you!
This is a challenge adapted from a post done almost three years ago.
Check out my friend Eric Alexander. His story is an inspirational and motivational presentation you will never forget.
To make my marriage work
Last month I got to live a dream that I thought I’d have to wait until someday to do. On Saturday another someday became today. Saturday my sweet, loving harp playing, wife accompanied on a disability deer hunt that turned into a turkey viewing excursion.
I used to dread getting out of bed because I thought I knew what the day would bring. Now, although physically getting out of bed may be the most difficult part of starting the day, I pray every morning that I don’t forget that today is God’s day and whatever he has planned will be become the greatest adventure I have ever been on.
I have vowed to start everyday preparing for my first breath in heaven, while remembering that as long as I’m still here on earth God will be using me to help others understand how adversity is given to us to prepare us for our first breath in heaven.
You said it best when you said,” So many people dream of doing something like this but find excuses to put it off till someday. You would have more excuses than anyone I know but you changed someday to today.”
I believe that God wants us to turn every someday into a today and that we should remember to thank him for every today that he gives us.
You remain an inspiration to me.
I’m glad you knew how to “traverse” the hill, and did not revert to the classic: “sit down, turn around”.
Talk about hitting the nail on the head, Ken! Not only do I need to lose weight, but I need to get over my fear of leaving the house. Yep, a Christian agoraphobic. Can you beat that?! It’s pretty much an oxymoron! In my mind I need to lose the weight in order to ‘let myself out’, and that’s not going so well. Every day is a challenge to just get something done. I’m great at reaching out from behind my keyboard, but going “out there”, well that’s an entirely different story.
I would love to have you read my blog “Hope in the middle of the storm.” I have a friend Patsy Clairmont, who suffered from agoraphobia. I hope her story will be an inspiration to you. Be sure to click on the picture to see the Rainbow that was in the middle of that storm. I am praying for you. Here is the link to my blog. Feel free to contact Patsy. https://www.kendavis.com/personal-development/hope-in-the-middle-of-the-storm/
Thanks Ken…..I really needed this one. Thanks for being SUCH A BLESSING and INSPIRATION! 🙂
Thank you for your comment. You are very welcome.
Meeting you Ken Davis ! About 21 years ago I was managing the salon/spa on a cruise ship and just about to give up. I had thought God had forgotten me. Then to my surprise a christian group came on my ship for the week. Two wonderful people took the time to (see) me and invest time to reassure me of Gods love. It was you and Kay Arthur. I had no idea who either of you were until much later when I heard you on a broadcast and saw her on T.V. I then realized that the reason it had such an impact on me was because God sent you. I was a victim of a violent crime and could not shake the fear or flashbacks and had a severe fear of men. You showed me Jesus, and I knew if he were anything like you I would make it.
Keleigh, AMAZING! What a blessing your comment was to me. Was that by any chance the Big Red Boat! God truly does send people our way. Today you were there to bless me. May God continue to shower his love on you. Please keep in touch. Thank you again for your comment and let me know what boat that was.
Yes, it was the Big Red Boat! I still have the t-shirt with the cow dancing around in an Hawaiian shirt that i received from you. You told me that this is how God wants us to be, so I hung onto it with faith and now I can tell you, I truly have the joy of the Lord! He has done the miraculous in my life…. I am so thrilled with my relationship with Jesus and he has a wonderful sense of humor like you! Keep doing what you are doing! You are uniquely made and the Lord uses you when you do not even realize it! The funny thing is I did not see you perform on the ship, It was talking with you and watching you. You were so different from any man I have ever met. You had a peace, joy and when you talked about your wife and kids you glowed…and you were cool…and in your 40’s, which amazed me!!! You see, if christians realized that when you have jesus in your heart every where you go you take him and look very different than the world. I thank God for introducing you to me, the experience stuck with me. Not just me, everyone I knew on the ship noticed when you all left. Now I know why, you took the spirit of God with you ! Not one person got fired and disembarked that week, which was a weekly occurrence ordinarily. Also everyone made quota and the work load was lighter. Even the cocktail waitresses and casino didn’t suffer….none of you had bar tabs or gambled much.
The projection was that the staff would make less because of the christian cruise. An Automative group came on the week after you guys and although the alcohol tabs were astronomical the staff made less in tips!! With twice the work load, go figure, the favor of the Lord and people noticed (total testimony). The sad part was everyone wished you guys would come back, but you never did. oh and by the way….everyone in my salon got saved and we did devotions together with the materials bought that week !! I am so glad I was able to share this with you!!! We can never underestimate the power of the ALMIGHTY GOD!!! God bless you and if I do not get the privilege to see you again, I will see you in heaven!
Whew! I thought your suggestion was going to be “go climb Everest!”
Thanks for the timely reminder to just get up, and get moving.
We can always look to other people, too, because there is always someone who is less able or fortunate than ourselves, and still, they are doing what we are not.
My uncle is blind, and he was part of the 1981 Project Pelion expedition of special needs adults (7 blind, 2 deaf, an amputee and an epileptic) that climbed Mt. Ranier.
I also have another blind uncle who is a retired Juvenile Judge.
Any time that I think I have it rough, I only have to think about what odds they had to overcome in their lives, and I feel pretty foolish and selfish, and figure I just need to put my head down and just get moving.
Amazing example of people who “do it” even when there are challenges. Thank you so much for your inspiring comment.
Ken, I almost didn’t attend your service on Saturday morning in Myrtle Beach. I had gone to hear music.
Your message changed my life. You said the “demons will be on your back 20 minutes after you leave” – and they were; however, I was ready for them. Your words struck a nerve in me and my wife and I have talked about it every other conversation we have had since we left.
I promised my wife that from Saturday morning on, I will “just do it”, commit to the things that will make our lives better as Christians. As you say, the hardest part is “making it to the front door”. Thank you and God bless.