The Secret that isn’t a Secret!
Every year I get to work with a team of dedicated people who understand a life changing math principle. They are all instructors at The SCORRE Conference where we teach communication skills to people from all over the world. These dedicated people know the principle that has motivated us to do the conference for almost three decades.
Michael Hyatt verbalized the principle as we walked across the beautiful Winshape Retreat Center in Rome Georgia.
He asked me, “What it is that makes it so fulfilling to be involved with this conference?”
Good question.
Both of us are speakers and enjoy traveling the world doing presentations we believe in.
Both of us are payed well for our services.
Both of us admitted that the time investment for THE SCORRE CONFERENCE is many times the investment needed to give a single speech.
Before we reached the top of the hill both of us agreed on the answer to Mike’s question. It was a math secret that is really no secret at all. Multiplication is more productive and fulfilling than addition.
The 80 who were at the SCORRE CONFERENCE and the 100 plus that will be at our SCORRE conference in Beaver Creek this fall will touch more lives than both Mike, myself and the entire team can touch by traveling and speaking for the rest of our lives. We all love and will continue to do our solo, one plus one presentations, but there is something about multiplication.
There’s a powerful sense of fulfillment that comes from investing our lives in the lives of others who we know will invest their lives in others etc etc. Call it mentoring, call it teaching, call it what you want……. It is multiplication.
No matter what your job or station in life, have you thought about how you might multiply yourself in the lives of other people who will then touch the lives of others and start the mathematical cycle that never ends?
Have you seen the multiplication principle in action? Please take the time to comment and tell me about it.
This is part of my program I call “It goes deeper than the org chart.” Last summer I did a keynote for the organization that both of my parents worked for and retired from. 15 minutes into my presentation it hit me that I was giving back to the organization that fed, clothed and put a roof over my head the first 18 years of my life. I was humbled and honored. After my presentation I sat in my vehicle and thought about all the time I spent with my dad in an old barn working on and building things. He talked about work and I never heard anything negative about his organization or a supervisor. Never heard anything negative from my mother. So when I began my career, I didn’t go looking for the negatives. In fact I called my grown daughters to see if they recalled me ever being negative about my company or a leader. They said no. My thoughts are that the leaders of my parents were also leading a young Greg Gilbert also. It is about multiplication.
That is a powerful legacy, Greg
I just agreed to lead the Small Group Ministry at our church. When you think about it, it is about multiplication. Small groups bring church members together and form families. More small groups spring off these group and so on and so on. It’s a lttle scary for me to know where to begin but an answer to my pray to God, “What is my purpose in life God?” It really started about a year ago when I attended a Women of Faith simulcast at our church and Ken was one of the speaker. I bought his book and started to “Live Fully Alive”. Thank you Ken for your inspiration! It’s never to late to begin!
How did you get this picture here? I want to know how to do that!
I think that Math is important because it helps us understand and solve problems in everyday life. Yes, powerful math principle that expands my influence to infinity is exponential growth. I need help with my math homework. Some of the exponential problems seem really tricky, and I want to understand them better. Could you explain the steps clearly so I can learn how to solve them?
Math is definitely important and to solve exponential problems, start by identifying the base and the exponent. If you are stuck, consider reaching out to a teacher or math expert for help. You can also find online resources or connect with experts through educational websites.
Exponential growth is indeed a powerful concept. Once you understand the steps, they become much easier. I advise you visit platforms that offers step by step solutions and you can clear this by checking the reviews.