4 Steps to a Spectacular 2015

Millions of people are looking forward to the first days of 2015 like a child looks forward to a new school year.  Remember the anticipation? The slate was clean. A new chance to get better grades, make new friends and take hold of exciting opportunities. Why then did so many of those years slip by without change?  What could have been done differently?

The 2015 New Year’s celebrations are over. The lights have dimmed and the smell of fireworks has drifted away. But opportunity and hope did not disappear with the smoke. Here are four steps to help make this year one of your best!

1. Believe that every day is New Year’s Day.

Today is a clean slate to be filled with whatever we choose to write on it. No circumstance or person or government has the power to wrest the chalk from our hand. You and I will determine our own attitudes and actions on this New Year’s Day… and the next… and the next. Don’t give up! God’s mercies are new every morning. If yesterday didn’t go as you planned, today is a new day!

2. Aim at a single specific goal for the year.

Write it down. Make it something good, something honorable, something that will make you, and the people you love, better off than they were yesterday. Aim at nothing and you will hit nothing every time. So, aim at something!   I have never written down a worthy goal that didn’t come true. I can’t wait to see what is going to happen with what I have written down for this year.

Along with the long term goals you are aiming at, choose a simple worthy goal for each new year’s day of the year.

3.  Don’t do 2015 alone!

Share your dreams and goals with someone. One is a lonely number – maybe that’s why God made an infinite amount of numbers to follow it. Enlist a friend or friends to walk with you. Come alongside someone else and encourage them to make this a great year. Lean heavily on your creator to lead and comfort you. Whatever you do, don’t walk alone.

4.  Take the first step now.

I’m talking about right this second. Not a single task can be accomplished by only thinking about it. Dreams are fulfilled by taking single, wobbly, courageous, baby steps in the direction you wish to go. The only step that matters is the next one you take. The only one who can take it, is YOU.

These Steps to a Spectacular 2015 are not written as advice given by a great achiever to those who are struggling.

This is the testimony of a fellow struggler who has seen some deep valleys as well as some spectacular mountain tops. Let’s do the journey together this year. As friends, let’s commit to take these four steps to make 2015 one of the best years yet.

Please share some of your dreams for 2015 with me.

Do you have some additional steps that will help us?


I pray you will have a





  1. My first goal is to complete an in-depth, three-month study at my church called Steps (Not to be confused with 12 steps). I will have a sponsor and an accountability partner in this study which is designed to draw closer to and have a deeper relationship with God. I am not disciplined to sit still and and listen for God’s voice. I pray this study and having an accountability partner will keep me focused. I thank God for your ministry and wish you a very happy new year!

    1. Steps are steps. When they are taken in the right direction all of them are good. I love the direction you have chosen. Don’t get discouraged. You will stumble and fall. It will always be worth ito get up and continue the journey. Happy New Year today, tomorrow, the next day………….

  2. My wife and I will be going through Michael Hyatt’s 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever course this weekend and setting our 2015 goals. The one topping this list for me will be a personal weightless goal of 87.6 LBS. I have always had success with writing down my goals in the past but I have always avoided the weight loss issue. 112 days ago I weighed 336.7 LBS. as of this writing I am at 286.7. By September 30, 2015 I want to be at 200 LBS.
    I think the key to success of any goal is to keep motivated. I find motivation in the reason we set the goal in the first place, the “WHY”. For example my why for loosing weight is so that I can live a healthy long life and enjoy all of the things God has planned for me including watching my children and grandchildren up. My youngest is 5 so I need to live quite along time.
    Ken, I only learned about you a few weeks back but I have already been inspired by your content, Please continue to be awesome in 2015! Whishing you all the best!

  3. After 35 years with the same organization, I will retread/recycle (not “retire”) in June. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up! So this year will bring a lot of changes. It’s both exciting and scary, and there will be plenty of those wobbly baby steps ahead. Like many others, one of my goals is to get healthier so I can really enjoy life and focus on whatever it is I’m supposed to be doing (hope that makes sense). Happy New Year to you and your family!

  4. My dream and goal for this year is to have my first children’s book go to publishing. My husband’s goal is to get his golf game back after having a widow maker heart attack in 2014, with a triple bypass immediately following. Our goal together is to continue pursuing what God has re directed for us. We had to leave all our previous ministries due to Bill’s two health conditions. God saved Bill’s life for a reason and we are seeking the “where” He wants us to go and do. Everyday is an adventure for us living with dementia and eating heart healthy…God is good, He is good all the time. Thanks for your insight. We read it after dinner and it got us to seriously thinking…

  5. I have several goals, Ken, including some writing goals, however, my most important involves what I believe God is leading me to make my One Word for 2015: Growth. I see many areas where growth is sorely needed in my life, but I’ve been resisting the Lord’s prompting. I want to choose a nicer one word, like delight, not one that involves cultivation, fertilization, and pruning, like growth.

    Please pray for strength to walk in obedience and trust as God weaves His good story for my life through growth opportunities.

  6. Hello Ken,
    God had a plan He revealed to my wife and me in 2007. Today January 5, 2015 it begins. We leave for Indonesia from Denver for a three term as missionaries with our two youngest kids and we also leave behind three older kids and two grand babies.
    I will fly and maintain helicopters in support of other pioneer missionaries, doctors, medivacs and other humanitarian efforts to show the love of Christ.
    May God continue to Bless you Ken!!

  7. Greetings Ken Davis,
    I dub you with the title, “Glory to Glory spark plug”
    Every time I read something you’ve written I get a little spark or glimpse of God’s hand and how He loves to lead us on the path of full, spirit-driven lives.
    My goals for this year are to continue to develop the pilot for a children’s program entitled,” The Adventures of Scooter & Friends.” My wife and I are feeling called to rise up inHISlight Ministries to create and deliver dynamic, culture impacting presentations to shine the True North light of our Heavenly Father’s love story to all His lost children. Big Dream. Big God. I’m totally convinced that when the Lord makes provision for us to attend both the SCORRE and LAUNCH conferences, our lives will jump into hyperspace warpspeed. This dream has been baking in His dream oven for just a time as this. Thank you Ken Davis for hearing the call to equip those called to tell
    His greatest of all love stories(for His Glory.)
    Kevin Emil Ficek

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