What qualities do a a CEO, a plumber, a best selling author, a youth leader, a magician and a successful musician have in common?

Uncommon people with a Common Goal...... Excellence! SCORRE Conference Center
1. They were just a few of the amazing group of diverse students who attended our SCORRE speaking conference last week.
2. They were people who have a never ending thirst for excellence.
3. They were people who realized that tomorrow never comes so they take action today.
4. They were people that were willing to make an investment in their God given talent.
5. They were people that are now better equipped to positively impact the lives of others.

Nothing boring about SCORRE
As a result of these common qualities, every one of these uncommon people will be more focused and powerful in their speaking and in every aspect of their life. Mike Hyatt and I were astounded by the commitment of this group and we are more dedicated than ever to share the benefits of the SCORRE conference with you.
Now it’s your turn!
Please read this Guest post I did for Michael Hyatt Then take advantage of the limited time discount he has offered his readers. Then Register today and join Me and Mike and more than 100 uncommon people in Vail Colorado this fall. Registration is limited and the conference will fill quickly, so consider taking a step of excellence that will change your life forever.
What makes you uncommon? What motivates you to keep learning?
Ken, great post over on Michael’s site and here! I’m inspired to attend – thanks so much for your service and dedication!
Tor, You are welcome! BTW I love the name!
It sounds like everyone had an amazing time at the SCORRE conference. I wish I could have made it but finances and work held me back. I’m planning on attending one soon!
What makes me unusual is my desire to learn. I have found a renewed love of reading, of listening, of growing.
Here is the characteristic of a leader. “What makes me unusual is my desire to learn. I have found a renewed love of reading, of listening, of growing.” I would be honored to be a part of your growth experience and I am sure that I would learn from you as well. Thank you for your comment. Maybe this fall!!!
I cannot attend the conference, so what would be a good resource to help me understand your method.
Jeff, We will have some online help available very shortly. Working on it as this message is being typed. Stay tuned. Thanks for the conversation
Again you have peaked my interest in public speaking. I may never speak to a large crowd, but I do want the message to come clear to those I teach. Thanks for all you do and for the many great belly laughs.
Wanda, We have had a person attend who’s mentored two teenage girls. The large crowd really isn’t the important thing. I value your desire to be a better speaker and hope we can help you some day. Blessings
I enjoyed your guest post over at MichaelHyatt.com
The statistics you cited regarding the percentage of people “leaving a presentation with no idea what the point of the message was” and even more amazing “50 percent of speakers can’t identify the objective of their own talk.”
A huge eye-opener.
What keeps me motivated is seeing the need of people. People are hungering and thirsting for knowledge as well as how to apply that knowledge to improve their lives.
This makes me want to attend!