Be the best communicator you can be. Don’t miss this!

What a year 2021 has been! As we look forward to 2022, I want to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and I have exciting news.

I am thrilled to announce that we will be offering a “SCORRE speaker training academy” from March 27-29. For over 30 years, I have been privileged to teach men and women from all walks of life how to prepare with focus, present with clarity, and speak with power. How to communicate in a powerful way that moves people to action. I am excited about doing it again.

Corporate executives, salespersons, and ministry personnel worldwide have benefited from this training. Some of the top professional speakers in the country built their careers using the skills taught at “SCORRE speaker training academy

  • If you have something to sell, a message to deliver, and a desire to change lives for the better, “SCORRE speaker training” is for you.  
  • If you want to build a successful speaking career, “SCORRE speaker training” is the place to start.
  • If you apply what you learn at SCORRE, you will return your investment many times over. 

You will hear accolades from your audience the first time you speak using the SCORRE principles of focused preparation and powerful delivery.

For the first time, we are offering three levels of training. Attendance is limited, so don’t delay. Check out the details HERE. I will be honored to see you at SCORRE and invest in your life.  

Ken Davis

P.S.  For a peek at some pictures that give you the feel of a SCORRE academy click HERE


  1. Ken,

    I bought your book “The Secrets of Dynamic Communication” in 1995 when I was a junior in high school that had sense a call to gospel ministry. Thank you! This book helped prepare me for all of my homiletics (preaching courses) in seminary. It helped me understand the essentials of putting together a speech and sermon. Someday, I hope to attend one of your clinics so that I might have my skills sharpened. I plan to use this books with my elders and any future interns at our church.

    In Christ,

    Tanner Cline

  2. Hello Mr Ken Davis,

    I just wanted to know how I might
    Be able to see your books and memorabilia
    Fro sale
    Thank You ,
    In Jesus Name
    Jonathan DAVID Winsett

  3. Thank you, Ken for who you are.
    Thank you, Ken for who you are in the Lord.
    Thank you, Ken for choosing daily to allow the Lord to work through you to help people “Live Fully Alive.”

    I had been driving 50+ years when a nail ruined a tire. First tire in my life to be ruined. Big expense! I blew up and blamed God. A few weeks later another nail ruined a second tire. Another big expense! I blew up and blamed God. I got over it, yet I was ready for another nail in another tire.
    I was on the phone with a friend and it all overcame me again and I blew up with my friend. “…and I think God probably has a THIRD nail for a third tire!!” My friend paused. I felt a hand on my chest. It was a very warm hand. Thumb, fingers, palm. I physically felt a hand and I knew that if I looked, I would not see it, but that hand was there. I instantly knew to stop my outburst. My friend quietly said, “You know Don, you said a third nail. That reminds me of Someone that took three nails for you.”
    Immediately I was stricken to the deepest of my heart and soul and I saw myself on my hands and knees and face before God. I have asked God to NEVER let me forget that moment.

  4. I recently saw your link to last years CCA virtual session hosted by a dear friend of mine Rhonda Corey. I would love ask you a few questions specifically in regards to the Lord wanting you home off the road. I am in a different place of feeling God may be calling me to the road. Something I do not want to do.

  5. I recently saw your link to last years CCA virtual session hosted by a dear friend of mine Rhonda Corey. I would love ask you a few questions specifically in regards to the Lord wanting you home off the road. I am in a different place of feeling God may be calling me to the road. Something I do not want to do.
    I have included a video.

  6. My story of 33 years until now in a few sentences……

    I have been a comic as well as a public speaker for over 30 years. I currently live outside of the Boston area with my wife and two children. I started doing standup in the late 80’s as part of a comedy team called Caito and Morin. After six months of open mics we entered into a competition at the time called the Johnny Walker National Comedy Search. We came in 3rd out of 106 comedians. That night catapulted us from open mic to headlining within a year. Featuring at clubs and colleges throughout New England eventually making our way to NYC. Despite the hyper rise to success with a weekly show in Boston and NYC, after only 3 1/2 years we parted ways. On March 15,1992 I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour which lead to our breaking up of the act. I had been rescued. There was a calling on my life and I needed to pursue it. I put the microphone down never thinking I would use it ever again. One day I was invited to speak at a women’s correctional facility where I shared my testimony and the redeeming power and love of Jesus Christ with a ton of humor in the mix. The audience went to their feet time after time. 200 women and me. I thought to myself, “Attica”!! This could be a riot in the making and the 6 guards on watch don’t stand a chance. Shortly afterwards I was being asked to speak at churches, schools, colleges and prisons sharing my personal story of struggles and triumphs. All the while using standup as the vehicle to deliver a message of hope. It has been an amazing journey and laughter continues to be the medicine that heals.

    In 2019 the door of opportunity to speak within the prison system swung wide open. This is an audience for most who are so very broken and without hope. To have them laugh and be so very grateful especially within a maximum security unit leaves me speechless as I witness the power of God move. With no microphone, nor sound system, in a space the size of two basketball courts, standing before a group of 100 folks in front of you and behind you is quite the challenge to say the least. Giving in this environment has proven to be the absolute most rewarding experience I could have ever imagined.

    By March of 2020 we were preparing to do 12 different facilities and then the shut down came. Currently 2 facilities are letting us know when we can come in and present our program. This includes a federal prison as well.
    This is the ministry of Hysterical Faith. It allows the gospel to be preached using standup as the bridge to deliver the message of redemption and relationship with God found in Christ alone.

  7. I also am aquatinted with your friend Chonda Pierce.

    Copy of Laughter and Hope March 26 (3).JPG

  8. The above JPEG apparently didn’t go through. Sorry for the multiple messages. Promise I’m not stalking.

  9. First, I want to say thank you for your generous response when I previously requested help for my dear friends Bob and Saralee a couple of weeks ago. I am compelled to give you an update and ask you to consider once again helping in this desperate time of need. As you may remember, through no fault of their own,

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