Not Here!
The best investment advice I ever received came from the woman I love. In 1979 I was just beginning my career as a speaker/comedian. I was young and…… what’s the word?…. stupid…yeah that’s it. I wanted to be a big shot. I ended up broke!
I had a friend that had invested in the commodities market. At lunch he would ask the waiter to bring a phone so that he could talk to his broker. He seemed so powerful and sophisticated demanding that his broker buy soy beans or sell pork bellies.
I wanted to be powerful and sophisticated too! So, against my wife Diane’s counsel, I bought a book, studied the commodities market and jumped in. It didn’t take long for me to lose thousands of dollars that I couldn’t afford to lose.
One day Diane came into the kitchen and said, “If I could show you an investment that would return five hundred percent without risk, would you take it?” I said, “Of course I would, thinking she was ready to jump back in the market and chase the money we had lost.
“She threw one of the cassette tapes we sold at our conferences onto the table. “You make these for $2 and sell them for $10,” she said……
“Invest in yourself.”
That’s the best investment advice I ever received.
Certainly there is nothing wrong with investing in someone else’s business or idea, but how exciting to think that you might be able to invest in your own business or idea.
Physically – Keep moving, stay Fully Alive
Mentally – Keep reading and discovering, stay fully sharp
Spiritually – Keep learning and risking, stay fully equipped
Socially – Keep meeting people and giving of yourself, stay fully engaged
Financially – Keep investing in your dreams, stay fully capitalized
Invest in yourself!
I would love to hear of how you have invested in your talents and ideas and what kind of return you saw on that investment.
In other news: Michael Hyatt former CEO of Thomas Nelson and I have joined forces to provide a conference that teaches how to build a platform from which your dreams can be launched. Check out the Platform Conference Limited enrollment.
Our curriculum for Fully Alive will be out in January.
Good morning Ken! Havnt talked to you for awhile but your new blog was perfect timing for me! I needed the encouragement! Not sure how to invest myself though. I try to do my best in all I do but have never been able to make enough money for my family, always a struggle. I know God has gifted me with woodworking but not sure what to do with it. I have decided to be done trucking for good now. I did it for many years and it was a blessing in many ways but its time to work closer to home and use other skills God has given me. I am now working in a cabinet shop and also working on my own woodworking at home. For years I have made small scrollsawn wood gifts. My favorite is simply the word “Jesus” made from various hardwoods. I dont sell them I love to give them away just as a small way to share my faith. I also make Christmas ornaments, prayer crosses, wall crosses, wall hangings, puzzles, etc. I love to give them away but people tell me I could make a living selling them but just cant find a market. I have sold a few on ebay and craftsales but not to any great amount. It seems people dont appreciate wood gifts as much these days but I just know there is a market for my items out there somewhere. I do love creating gifts from wood but my biggest passion is teaching and sharing the Word with others and helping them to know and follow Jesus. But I know God has givin me this talent of woodworking for a reason also. Praying for God to reveal himslef in my life in every area that I may glorify him. Any ideas or contacts would greatly appreciate it!! God is so amazing and is so real in my life, I just want to do better for him and be right in the center of his will. Thanks for your encouragement Ken! Didnt get to see you when you were here in Minnesota, hope to catch your show next time. Thanks again Ken! Marty Lien from Darwin, MinneSNOWta
Martin, Thank you for sharing your story. Sometimes we end up doing the love of our heart as an addendum to working to make a living. That is not all bad. The pressure of making a living doing what we love can occasionally drain the joy from what we once loved to do. Relax, trust God and I will pray with you that he will show you the way.
In the mean time let as many people as possible know what is available. If you don’t have a website, make one. Show what you have available there. Blessing to you in this new year.
Oh wow! What a wake up call. I’m really going to have to do some thinking on this one.
Sundi, no one will care more about your books and your ministry than you! No one will invest more than you. This was a decision that changed the course of my life. Thanks for all you do. HOpe you book is doing well.
Awesome!! Thanks i needed that!!<3
If you don’t invest in you, you cant invest in anyone else. Thanks for the comment Deborah.
Great thoughts Ken. I need these today.
Thanks Michael, It sure has worked for me.
Thanks Michael, It sure has worked for me.
Great advice! Thanks for sharing Ken. I am in total agreement with you. Investing in your self is your greatest investment, because what you invest in yourself is all you have to invest in others.