“The blind side,” a movie based on a true story, moved me deeply on several levels. Every believer who has ever criticized, boycotted or written a letter to protest a movie, needs to write one more letter. This one to say thank you to the creators and producers of this film. Thank you for an inspiring movie. Thank you for a portrayal of Christians most of us would have to actually work to live UP to. No smalchy goop, just an honest film about fallible people who acted out their faith. Stay for the credits at the end. Those pictures of the actual people who lived this story had me searching for my sleeve. (I didn’t have a Kleenex) Please see this film, encourage the people who made it and leave a comment that let’s me know what you think.

My husband and I saw this film the day after it came out. The theater was about full and everybody laughed and cried. I want it on DVD when it comes out and I’m picky about what I buy on DVD. It was wonderful to see Christians portrayed in a better light and that we were shown as real and not fake.
We agree this was the best movie we have seen in a long time. It was shocking to see a movie that didn’t portray Christians in a negative light. When we walked out of the movie, which was packed, everybody was saying “What a good movie!” We are so glad that the movie was so popular and did so well, hopefully Hollywood sees this reaction and makes more movies like this.
Hey Ken!
You are so on target with your call to “letter writing”. All too often people jump on the boycott campaign, but when something good comes out, no response. It’s time we begin applauding Hollywood filmmakers for making quality movies.
We absolutely loved “Blind Side” and gave it a 4.5 Lloyd rating out of a possible 5!
It’s great to see Sandra Bullock up for a couple awards with this movie too.
Dr. Rus
Thanks for the information, your blog is good! My in-laws and I regularly meet up for Easter and have a ball. This really made me smile!