A word about the economy. Good Grief! Okay that’s two words. My pastor told us not to look at our 401K. So I went right home and took a peek. My nest egg is a yoke. I thought an empty nest was when you lose your kids. I was wrong, It’s when you lose your shirt. These are tough times. …
Ready or not here it comes!
I couldn’t imagine anyone who wasn’t ready for digital….. Until I saw this. Unfortunately I feel like this woman when I am just trying to change channels on my flatscreen. I have 237 shows Tivo’d …… Can’t find any of them! Enjoy.
You gotta love it.
Lakota Industries has just come out with a PINK, camouflage, hunting bow called the “Sara Cuda.” Click on the picture! The bow is “a tribute to women like Sara Palin who bear the responsibility of family and work while strengthening the moral fiber of society.” I love it, if only for the reaction at Peta! I tend to stay out …
What was I thinking?
I was never popular in High School. In my mind, being clothed was a fashion statement. I always wondered why people looked at me funny. Today a friend sent me this picture. Know I know. I have thick skin. Comments are welcome.
Life is not a waiting room……. for heaven!
My friend Philip Yancey has used the following analogy many times as we have debated into the wee hours of morning our variant views of politics, religion and life. At this critical time in America’s history this analogy and the Christianity Today article that accompanies it, are something every believer and American needs to hear. Let me know what you …