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Am I somebody’s pet peeve?

You are looking at a picture of one of my biggest pet peeves! A pad of frozen butter served on top of a piece of warm bread they call “toast?” No restaurant names here, but there are a lot of rocking chairs nearby. Unless you are willing to wait until spring for the butter to melt, any attempt to combine …

An astounding clip and 3 questions

I beg you to watch this youtube clip featured on the blog of my friend Wes Roberts. Ask yourself three questions. Why was the audience so incredibly rude in the beginning? Why were the Judges surprised that this woman could sing? What was YOUR wake up call as you watched? Now read the story of this woman’s life.

Vote for best caption!

About a month ago I posted this picture and promised to send the person who commented with the best caption a copy of my video, “Together for the first time.” Thank you for your responses. There are some very creative, funny and crazy people out there. I want you to choose the best caption. Click here to see the post …

Signs of life everywhere!

As I rounded a corner during my run this morning, I was overwhelmed by this beautiful sight. It has been a long winter in Tennessee, but spring is here! Winter is over! There are signs of life everywhere. Over 2000 years ago, as three friends rounded the corner on a mournful walk, they were overwhelmed by an even greater sight. …

Beauty in the shadows

On Monday, my 9 yr old granddaughter, Kialee, and I drove the back roads of Tennessee looking for things to photograph. I relish investing my life and time encouraging each of my grandchildren to nourish and develop their gifts. By looking at the pictures Kialee took you can see that she indeed has a gift. One special moment in this …