The following post is written from the perspective of one who has not always made the best decisions. But I am learning. And I am happy to pass on to other men and women the principles I have learned that help me make good decisions.
ONE Action that will Change your Life Forever!
I just finished a 15 mile bike ride in winds gusting to over 30 miles an hour. The ride took me an hour and fifteen minutes and included two incredibly steep hills. One of them was so steep that I had to traverse in order to keep from stopping. It was excruciating. Do you know what the hardest part of …
An everyday choice that leads toward life or death
Zig Ziglar was the first person I heard say, “Everything that happens to you in life, has the potential of making you bitter or better. “ I could handle that statement until he continued, “The choice is yours!”
Three Characteristics of a Leader
There are a number of characteristics common to effective leaders. Here are three that apply to 50+ people that I am spending three days with this week. A leader never stops seeking excellence in every area of life. When a man or woman decides that they have arrived and have nothing more to learn, their skills and passion will begin …
Six big life lessons learned from the deck of a very big boat
Last Thursday I stepped off of a Celebration cruise ship and onto dry land. I stepped from the relaxed atmosphere of ocean breezes, casual conversation with friends, into the frenzied world of canceled flights, missed connections, and last minute appearances on stage. Somehow, I miss being on the ship. No, I take that back. I miss the relationships I got …