How does one speak in a Castle? The same way one should speak from any platform. “CLEARLY” Almost one hundred years ago, J. H. Jowett, a professor at Yale university, put it this way.
“I have a conviction that no sermon is ready for preaching, not ready for writing out, until we can express its theme in a short, pregnant sentence as clear as a crystal.”
That conviction should apply for any speaker that opens his or her mouth. This week, in this castle at Glen Eyrie, Colorado we are conducting our Dynamic Communicators Workshop.
Men and women from all over the United States are coming to learn the unique characteristics that mark every successful communicator. Some of our students are business leaders, some are in ministry, some are beginners and some are professionals who want to sharpen their skills. All of them will learn that the most important characteristic of an affective communicator is knowing how to communicate with crystal clear focus.
Aim at nothing and you will hit it every time. Know where you are going and you can take anyone with you.